Join our push up challenge. Do some push ups. Raise money for a great cause. Spread the word.

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$16,582.00 donated
42 Donors
Campaign has ended

Thank you McCall Fitness

What is MS Fitness Challenge?

The MSFC provides fitness trainers worldwide with the tools and training they need to effectively and safely train people with MS. We have already impacted the lives of 46,000 people in 25 different countries that are battling this disease! Your donations fund our efforts.

Our NO COST fitness programs include:

  • 8 week exercise challenges
  • 12 week fitness events
  • 7 day workouts
  • online training and educational programs
  • training camps
  • nutritional counsel
  • mindset education
  • scholarships to certify trainers to work with MS clients

…And ongoing motivation for all those who want to change their lives and successfully reach their health and wellness goals despite MS!

Help us help those with MS to beat this disease through health & fitness and combat its devastating effects on the body.

Mission Statement

MS Fitness Push Up Challenge is raising funds to directly support people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who need to stay as fit as possible, overcome limitations, and keep their bodies moving. Our Push Up Challenge focuses on promoting a healthy lifestyle while inspiring others to maximize their capabilities and to become more active to help those in need.


The number of cases of MS are increasing daily – and no one is immune. MS does not discriminate; it affects men, women, and children, and impacts over 2.5 million individuals worldwide.

Our goal is to educate people with MS and their trainers on exercise, nutrition, and mindset in a lifestyle of fitness, in conquering this disease through a complete management protocol. Partnered with our many loyal sponsors, MSFC is certifying fitness professionals worldwide to work one-on-one with people with MS.  This training will enable certified fit pros to educate and train their clients on the benefits of health & fitness in winning the battle against multiple sclerosis.


The 100,000 Push Up Challenge

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As you can imagine, running an organization like this comes with plenty of expenses. In the spirit of raising funds for a worthy cause, we’re asking everyone we know, and everyone they know, to do push ups to raise money for the MSFC for 100 days.

How it works

Push ups can be done anywhere, at any time, by anyone! The rule simply is, for every dollar you raise, you must perform one push up.

  1. Get people to sponsor your push ups and donate. Encourage your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and acquaintances to donate a dollar for every push up you do.
  2. Take a video of yourself doing push ups so they can take estimate how much to donate. (ie: $20 donation for 20 push ups, $100 donation to do 100 push ups if you can do a lot, etc.)
  3. Push ups can be done conventionally on the floor, modified on your knees, or even elevated on a higher surface—Just get them done!
  4. Post a video of you performing your push ups on social media, then tag and nominate your friends to participate as well.
  5. Include a link to this page if you like, include the hashtags #MSFC #MSPushUpChallenge, and mention our @msfitnesspushupchallenge Facebook page to garner more likes and participation. Please like and share our page while you’re at it!

It’s that simple!

If you want to play along but don’t feel comfortable soliciting others for donations, you will still help our cause tremendously by sponsoring the push ups you perform yourself and sharing on your social media outlets.

You can do 10 push ups? Great! Film yourself performing 10 push ups, donate $10, and share it on social media with something like this:

“Hey, friends! I am supporting the MS Fitness Challenge by participating in the 100,000 Push Up Challenge to help raise $100k for those living with MS to feel empowered and become healthier through important lifestyle changes. I’ve donated $10 and am performing 1 push up for ever dollar I’ve donated. Here it goes! #MSFC #MSPushUpChallenge @msfitnesspushupchallenge “

You can record this kind of intro in your video or simply attach the text in your post if you don’t feel comfortable speaking on camera. The very act of you performing even just a few push ups and contributing a modest amount to our cause will inspire so many others to do the same!

The more people who participate at this level the more likely we will be to reach our goal of $100,000!

“But, David, I can’t do push ups. Can I just make a donation instead?” ABSOLUTELY!

Just click the Donate button at the top of the page to donate directly to the challenge and please share your donation on social media so others will do the same!

Here’s a video of Lou Ferrigno supporting our cause by performing modified push ups:

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Become an Ambassador

We can’t reach our goals without the added support of our friends and families. The Ambassador Program is an opportunity for individuals everywhere to contribute to this challenge by creating their own personal challenge campaign. Each of our Ambassadors has the unique opportunity to be part of the MSFC 100,000 Push Up Challenge team, raise funds for our organization, and contribute to our mission. We find immense value in the content you create online!

Ambassadors have their own landing page for the push up challenge and can create teams to raise the most money for this important cause. They actively share their challenge journey on social media and within the MS Fitness Challenge Community.

They can upload pictures and videos to their challenge profile to document performed push ups and challenge others to do the same. All donations generated go directly to the MS Fitness Challenge and count toward the 100,000 Push Up Challenge fundraising goal.

How it Works

  1. Click the Fundraise button next to the Donate button at the top of this page.
  2. Choose to create a new individual campaign, create a group campaign to get more people involved, or join an already active group campaign if one has been created already.
  3. Fill in all the necessary information to get started. You will need an account, so be sure to create one when prompted.
  4. Share your campaign link on all your social media pages to encourage your friends to donate. Be sure to use the hashtags #MSFC #MSPushUpChallenge
  5. Every donation you generate will automatically go toward the 100,000 Push Up Challenge goal.

After creating your campaign and registering an account, you can find the My Account link in the site footer at the bottom of the page. Go there to view and change your account details, manage your campaigns, and more.

We work with our Ambassadors in various different capacities from social awareness to fundraising! We love engaging with individuals committed to understanding multiple sclerosis, embracing and supporting our mission, raising awareness in their community, and meeting the expectations outlined for the program.

Fundraising Prizes

As if working out and raising money for a great cause wasn’t reward enough, we gathered up a few prizes for the top raisers!

Highest donations/most push ups

    • Complementary MSFC Training Camp attendance & hotel stay for the next in-person event (travel not included)
    • 3 one-on-one training sessions with David Lyons
    • 1 month supply of McCall Fitness LY2 supplements Learn More
    • 1 month supply Previnex Nourify Protein Learn More
    • 1 month supply Promera Sports Con Cret creatine Learn More
    • MSFC T-shirt

Second highest donations/most push ups

    • 30-minute video call with David Lyons to discuss your fitness program
    • 1 month supply Previnex Nourify Protein Learn More
    • 1 month supply Promera Sports CON-CRET creatine Learn More
    • MSFC T-shirt

Third highest donations/most push ups

    • 1 month supply Previnex Nourify Protein Learn More
    • 1 month supply Promera Sports CON-CRET creatine Learn More
    • MSFC T-shirt


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